man on aeration and seeding machine with house in background

Lawn Aeration
Grow deeper roots with liquid aeration



A 3 - Step Process to Strong, Vibrant Turf

House with lawn showing mowing rows
Step 1
Custom Liquid Mixing

Ziehler combines tested techniques and more than two decades of knowledge to create proprietary liquid lawn formulas created just for Ohio’s climate and soil. 

Step 2
Soil Fracturing

As the liquid seeps into the soil, it draws larger particles downward, creating ‘pore space’ pockets to unlock bound up nutrients to feed the lawn.

Step 3
Micropore Penetration

Liquid lawn aeration allows water and oxygen to penetrate up to 12 to 18 inches deep so roots can stretch and tap into moisture during hot and dry periods.



A Solution For Any Season

Liquid lawn aeration can be applied in the spring and the fall, in wet or dry conditions, without traditional aeration equipment. Customers who use this service can expect to:

  • Alleviate soil compaction, allowing roots room to flourish
  • Stimulate microbial growth by accessing rich carbon sources underground
  • Activate antioxidant production and increase access to oxygen 
  • Give lawns the defense they need against seasonal stress

Our Lawn Aeration in Action

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