Mowing Tips After Lawn Care Services
Ziehler offers lawn services to help your grass grow – follow these mowing guidelines to keep it looking lush, reduce susceptibility to disease, and help develop proper plant and root growth.
Step 1: Prep your Mower – Make sure your mower is properly maintained including a seasonal oil change, tune up and, most importantly, a proper blade sharpening.
Step 2: Sharpen Blades – Continue to keep your mowing blades sharp to avoid shredding the top of the grass rather than cutting it. Lawns mowed with dull blades will take on a yellow appearance across the surface of the lawn from a distance. We recommend sharpening blades multiple times per season based on the size of your lawn and how often you mow.
Step 3: Mow High and Often, Not Short – As the turf begins to grow, mow as often as necessary but never remove more than 1/3 of the blade at any one time. Proper mowing height should be maintained at approximately 3 ½ inches and as high as 4 – 4 1/2 inches during periods of high heat or drought.
Step 4: Don’t Mow When Wet.
Step 5: Leave the Clippings – We recommend the grass clippings are left dispersed on the lawn to reuse the nutrients. However, do not leave clippings that are in “clumps” because they could kill the grass underneath.
Step 6: Final Mowing – We recommend that you complete a final mowing sometime around Thanksgiving at the proper height of 2.75 to 3.5 inches, leaving the lawn free of any clumps or heavy leaf debris.